Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fate Of Montreal STM CLassics

It came to my attention last year that the STM is going to be retiring all of it's MCI and Novabus Classics by 2012.
Since im visually impaired and cant drive legally, Im forced to use public transportation. And since this isn't by choice, I'm pretty pissed off with the STM's decision to retire the best buses they have!
None of them are even twenty years old, which is common for many transit agencies across Canada and beyond to have buses this old (and then some) to be still in revenue service. Why? Because new buses cost half a million dollars to buy, and that every transit agency is in the red.
Rather than hang on to these Classics, the STM is in cahoots with the provincial government, which pays half the cost of every new bus. Why? Because they're made Quebec. The CLassics are like the beloved GM New-looks that they replaced. They have a nice soft ride like an old Caprice, Crown Vic and so forth, regardless that they squeak and rattle over our shit roads. They can also pack in a whole lot more people than those stupid low floor buses. If you get on a Classic that has everyone sitting in every seat, everyone would be standing in a low-floor bus instead. And finally and even more importantly, the CLassics have been proven to be built to last! Never in my life have I ever rode on a New-look or CLassic that broke down!
So what if Detroit Diesel engines guzzle gas, and that Classics cost more to maintain. In the long run their worth it, even if they have to be rebuilt and rebuilt again, every 6 to 8 years. So unless the STM changes their decision on this matter, or the world ends in 2012, I'm gonna continue to spread the word about this wasting of quality items. It doesn't help that we live in a society that doesn't appreciate the old enough, instead always focused with the new (which is cheap quality anyways). Oh and one more thing, the STM has gotten a ton of new buses in the last two years, and continue to do so. Where the F*** are they gonna get the money to buy new Metro cars? And if its Charest or Harper who ocver half the cost on these new fangled cars made in Quebec / China, or wherever, whos pockets is all that dough really gonna come out of hhhmmmm? This is it man, this is the time to start really recycling like the Cubans do...

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